Feature: Going from short to shorter, Scarlet’s hair’s extraordinary journey.

By Lord Czar

To all that have to wear weaves(women), and all that have to buy the weaves(majority being men, not to say women don’t), here’s a thought via an interaction I had with Scarlet aka Mwana Okondwela about her change of hair style from short….. to slightly shorter hairdo.

Conundrum: What inspired you to go for this look?
Scarlet: “No inspiration, I just needed a change.”

Who helped you choose the look?
S: “The fans voted on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram”.(Realizes I’m classed as a “fan” because apparently, I “voted”).

What Tips would you give
to conundrums that would like to cop a new look?

S: “Have fun with it. Its never
that serious and it will grow back if you cut it all off.(shouldn’t this have come at the end?)

Out of the box look you have rocked in the last 6 months.
S: “I cut my hair into a sort of
table cut”,(but had to change it cause I was constantly taken for a military chikkita).

Describe your worst hair day.
S: “When I couldn’t control it or
when my edges got damaged, that was the worst time of my life”.(technically speakingwriting, everyday for about 10-12 years).

What color would you
never dye your hair?

S: “Fluorescent green.”,(or we would think you went green and decided to grow some vegetation up there).

Would you go out with
undone hair?

S: “Yeah. I do it alot. Undone hair and no shoes, chitenge at Levy Park. I
am very chilled out”,(form and keep this image in mind).

How do you treat your hair?
S: “Right now its really short so
my motto is wash and go”,(low maintenance chic, for all you guys that have to get your girls weave worth thousands of currency) .

Which is your go-to

S: “I do my braids at home. I cut my hair at Olympia Market. Charlie or Kapembwa. Because all the expensive places have whack barbers. Beauty Gardens in Northmead did the best weaves on me when I was doing that. I
relax and color my own hair whenever I do”,(talk about supporting local).

Who’s hairdo are you coveting right now?
S: “Chrisette Michele’s high top

Hairdo you wish you’d do.

S: “Dreadlocks”,(but who’s got that kind of time right?).

Hairdo you’d never do.
S: “Shaving my head completely to the skin bald”, (now imagine a bald, bare foot Scarlet in a Citenge, in a mall….SECURITY!) .

Macky2 has the most
memorable hairline, Do you

S: “I haven’t actually seen his hairline. Will look the next time I see him”,(chuckles, at least I imagine she does).

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